Roshan Kumar


A budding robocist who aims to evolve, innovate, and inspire through technology.

I am a final-year undergraduate student at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Guwahati where I’m majoring in Civil Engineering. I am specifically interested in applied CS Research with special interest in ML/AI and Non-Linear Systems. I am also a recepient of the New-Gen IEDC from Government of India for underwater ROV AntahSagari.

I am doing my undergraduate thesis under supervision of Prof Budhaditya Hazra in the Parameter and state estimation of vibrating structures equipped with geometrically consistent tuned mass damper systems. We are simulating the physical system using MATLAB and Python.

From the past one year, I have been doing research with Dr. Vivek Gupta at University of Utah in Summarizing Textual data to tabular forms, specifically using Unsupervised Learning, Knowledge Distillation and Feature fusion. We are striving to beat the current benchmarks using intuitive and scalable techniques.

I look forward to interacting with people and participating in team activites. In my leisure time, I pursue sports, video games, quizzing, and also write blogs on Quora & Medium. I am an avid YouTube consumer as well :p

Please feel free to check out my resume and drop me an email if you want to chat with me!